Today I want to draw your attention on micro perforated sheets and slats. It is a solution that tries to combine solar protection and outward views. It might not seem a good solution, since while more perforation improves the view of the exterior; it also reduces the solar protection. However, the brain can reconstruct the image with little information, if it is widely distributed. For this reason, sheets with about ten percent of drillings give sufficient visibility to the outside, almost completely preventing the entrance of direct sunrays.
When the perforations are very small, about a couple of millimetres, the thickness of the sheet starts to matter. It is because this thickness blocks the sunrays for certain angles of incidence. Solar protection can be really efficient, as in these examples.
Micro-perforated folding-sliding panels in Buenos Aires [567] |
In the following cases it can be seen that the perforation is excessive, with little improvement of vision range and less efficiency of solar protection.
Inefficient perforated zinc panels on school in Barcelona [528] |
Microperforated vertical louvers in zero-energy building [530] |