Deployé [092]

The expanded metal has gradually been more used because its shape offers enough permeability to views while protecting from the sun even for lower inclinations of it. Metal strips can adopt an almost horizontal position to get maximum protection from direct sunlight.The size, orientation, opening of these “visors” and the resulting holes can be adjusted since the machines that perform the stretching can be programmed very freely. With this we can achieve the desired orientation and drilling for more natural light, better views or more solar protection.

Deployé mesh are being mostly used as mobile panels, as in these examples of practicable or sliding leaves, to allow a full relation with the outside. The third picture [113] shows us the tests I made in my studio windows to choose the appropriate type of expanded mesh for the IEP building.

The deployé is so effective that we decided to make an exception in filt3rs. We included some cases where the solar protection is not practicable. In the first case of the next block [282], what draws our attention is the perfection of the vision through the mesh. It is thanks to the ability of our brain to complete the whole image from small fractions, so it allows us to have a perfect view of the street.

The idea of protecting with a deformed metal has developed into other facade solutions such as:
