The roller façade by Barton Myers [199]
In case [189] we already published some retractable façades by Barton Myers. To demonstrate the variety and richness of filters that may form these kind of façades. We publish here another of his studio-houses, where the inward retractable glazing is complemented with an exterior metallic roller shutter. The main objective of this second element is to improve fire protection, but obviously it also increases security and can be used as opaque protection to reduce sunrays and lighting inside.
The garage door-façade by Barton Myers [189]This case mixes some images of different houses by Barton Myers:
Montecito Residence
Santa Barbara Residence
House in West Los Angeles
House & Studio at Toro Canyon
Ph4: ©Ciro Coelho
Ph1, Ph2, Ph3, Ph5, Ph6: ©Fran Collin